It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything… But here is my Arch 427 Parametric Modeling Midterm.

It’s modeled using Grasshopper, and all of the parameters are completely editable.


Architecture Final Project!

Finally “finished” my architecture project for the fall semester of 2011… As much as I possibly could at least! Heres my final boards, model pictures to come soon

Unfortunately not in any particular order…

Final Layout

Turning Radius Information!

This is the information I discovered about the Turning Radius of both a Vespoli Trailer and a Dodge Ram Dually Truck. I discovered that the Dodge Ram can turn in approximately a 45′ turning radius, and they trailer can make a turn in about a 10′ turning radius due to it pivoting about the Hitch.

Using this diagram I found how the trailer behaves in a semi-truck

Applying the same idea to the trailers found below…

I came up with a plot that accurately estimated how the trailer would behave behind the truck. Found Below… Remember if you want to scale this drawing, it is a 40′ turning RADIUS not diameter.

Turning Radius

My trip to the Museum of Science of Industry. I visited briefly some of the exhibits on the main floor as well as Body Works. Unfortunately I was unable to take any pictures of Body Works.


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Our trip to MILK Fabricators in Chicago Illinois

Massive Upload

Here are some of the concept models that started my project. We had to use a word, or trump, that lead us to think more conceptually rather than about a physical armature.

The word I was working with was “Weave”

Weave 3

3rd Iteration of Weave

Weave 4

4th Iteration of Weave

Weave 5

5th Iteration of Weave

After we did this exercise we were told to consider the armature while staying within the conceptual realms which lead me to these.

Armature Concept 1

Concept based on the Oar

Armature Concept 2

Concept Based on Waves

Armature Concept 3

Concept Based on a Form

and after many hours of thought and sketching I took a step back and decided I was looking to hard into the armature. I decided to base my design based off of how the oars skim through the water to propel the boat. This made me think about the disruption of the water behind to boat. Two models were born depicting these ideas.

Disruption Concept

Disruption 1

Model depicting Disruption Concept

Disruption 2

Model depicting Disruption Concept

Disruption 3

Model depicting Disruption Concept

Concept Based on Oar Stroke

Oar Stroke 1

Model Depicting the Concept based on Oar Stroke

Oar Stroke 2

Concept Based on Oar StrokeConcept Based on Oar Stroke


Hello, I’m an architecture student at IIT in Chicago. This will be almost entirely about the production of my projects throughout my career here at IIT.